Frozen Moments I

Medium: Site-specific installation. Freezer with blocks of ice containing toys, cutlery, shoes, etc.

Year: 2000

Dimensions: 2m x 2m x 70cm

Location: Albertheijn supermarket. June 2000. Utrecht. The Netherlands

Frozen Moments II

Medium: Site-specific installation. Freezer with blocks of ice containing toys, cutlery, shoes, etc.

Year: 2001

Dimensions: 2m x 60m x 60cm

Location: Private in public exhibition. Apr 2001. Exposorium. Vrije Universiteit. Amsterdam. The Netherlands.

Frozen Moments is a freezer of ice blocks containing toys, cutlery, shoes and other everyday objects that people could associate with. Placed at the frozen section of Albertheijn supermarket, customers are invited to explore and shop for them.

While it may seem humorous to be shopping for icy dolls, the mundanity and child-like quality of the objects are important to the meaning of the work. Temporarily suspending them in ice and preserving moments of affection, Frozen Moments conceptually depicts tension between the passing of time and memory. This in turn, evokes a particular memory within the viewers – be it a shoe or a toy – and thus generates a collective experience of the affectionate moment. Through this simple immersive experience, Lebrusan offers audiences a fantasy of frozen moments and the pleasure of reclaiming that memory.

‘Frozen Moments’ is an escape from the speed that almost all experience in everyday life. It is a gentle nudge to slow down the pace of life and concentrate on the moment. The fascination of people, their memories, emotions and imaginations fuel ideas for the work that Lebrusan produces.

Lebrusan re-created Frozen Moments in a vertical freezer at the University of Amsterdam in 2001.

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